So, I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix today. Before I give my exact thoughts on the movie, I feel that I should preface it with an unnecessarily long intro regarding my general feelings toward the Harry Potter movie franchise
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Well, I had a great time last week. Thank you again Pokewhore! Between seeing Aida and Pirates (again) and swimming (for five miutes!) and Sara getting a kick out of my joke book, much fun was had by all
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Okay, I bet everyone is tired of hearing about Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest by now, but I only saw it (for the first time anyway) today, so being me, I must express my thoughts on it
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Life . . . let's not get started on life now. :P Next week I have my semi-annual kidney-health-DOOM-thingie at teh hospital, which always fills me with joy :P On a more positive note, the week after that I will be visiting teh Christine for a couple of days (need to order my bus ticket today). So at least there's that
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I'm on a Shakespeare kick right now. Not sure why. Might be because I've discovered the insanely brilliant LJ community shakesper_random. Or perhaps because I'm taking my second Shakespeare course in two years. But either way, I decided to take this new icon (plus one of crazy old Queen Maragret portrayed as a South Park character), change my
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